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Doepfer A-101-8V Phase Shifter Vintage Edition

Module A-101-8V is a 8-stage phase shifter which uses light-sensitive resistors (LDR) and is a replica of the Compact Phasing A manufactured by the company Schulte in the seventies. The actual phasing circuit is identical to the historic model. Only the illumination control of the LDRs is different: the A-101-8 uses LEDs to illuminate the LDRs, the historic model used incandescent miniature lamps. And the A-101-8 has no built-in LFO but can be controlled by any external control voltage source (e.g. LFO, ADSR, random, Theremin, ribbon controller, sequencer, midi). The phasing offset (i.e. the base value for the phase shifting) and the modulation depth of the external control signal can be adjusted separately. The Compact Phasing A had no offset control but only a depth control for the built-in LFO. Feedback and mixing ratio of the output signal are set by two controls. The audio input is equipped with an attenuator. The module has two audio outputs available (same as the historic model) and a visual display of the phase shifting.

The module has these controls and in/outputs available:

  • Control Man. : manual control of the phase shift offset (base value)
  • Control CV: attenuator for the signal applied to the CV socket
  • Control Feedb.: Feedback or Resonance (similar function as filter resonance/feedback/emphasis)
  • Control Mix: sets the mixing ratio between original and phase shift signal appearing at output 1
    • fully CCW: only the modified input signal appears at output 1 (see note below *)
    • center: a mixture between the modified input signal and the phase shift signal appears at output 1, that's the standard position for the classical phasing effect
    • fully CW: the pure phase shifted signal appears at output 1 (e.g. for vibrato effects)
  • Control Input Level: attenuator for signal applied to the In socket
  • Socket In: audio input
  • Socket CV: control voltage input 
  • Socket Out 1: audio output 1 (mix signal)
  • Socket Out 2: audio output 2 (modified input signal)
  • LED: visual control of the phase shift

The module has some peculiarities (same as the historic model):

  • The input signal is processed at first by a pre-stage which outputs a "modified" input signal (*). This signal is not processed by the phase shift stages but is affected by the feedback setting. Only when feedback is set to zero this signal is identical to the input signal. Otherwise it contains feedback components.
  • This signal is output on socket Out 2.
  • When both output sockets Out 1 and Out 2 are used as stereo channels one obtains a spatial stereo sound effect. 
  • The same signals is also used for the CCW position of the mix control. With mix control fully CCW the unmodified signal appears only if the feedback control is set to zero. Otherwise it contains feedback components.
  • The historic model had two audio inputs: one 5-pin DIN socket and a 1/4" jack socket. The DIN socket was intended for high-level line signals. When the 1/4" jack socket was used the amplification of the pre-stage increased by about 100. The 1/4" jack socket was intended for low level signals (e.g. electric guitars or microphones). For this feature the A-101-8 has an internal jumper that can be used to increase the amplification. As long as the module is used within the A-100 system usually the lower amplification is used to avoid distortion.
  • The 8 photo resistors and LEDs are assembled within an small lighproof box. In addition the pc boards are made of lighproof black material to avoid interfering light from other modules or the bus board.


Power consumption: 30mA at +12 V and 30mA at -12 V

Depth: 45mm

HP : 4

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